Beautiful Places to go Walking / Running in & Around Chiang Mai

A list of places to go walking around Chiang Mai, in this post we will cover places to exercise in Chiang Mai, which is a great way to meet new people and keep fit.

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Chiang Mai is a lovely city, but it is still a city. Sometimes, it is nice to escape into nature for a walk or run. Luckily, there are many great places to choose from in and around Chiang Mai. From the university campus to mountain tracks, getting into walking or running outdoors is a fantastic way to stay fit and meet new people.

Another benefit for those coming from cooler climates is that exercising in the heat is an excellent way to acclimatize. Whether you prefer a leisurely walk or an invigorating run, Chiang Mai offers diverse and scenic options to enjoy the great outdoors.


Trails Covered


  • Chiang Mai University 
  • Monk's Trail / Doi Suthep



If you know of a good walking trail that hasn't been included please feel free to email me here



Chiang Mai University / Ang Kaew Reservoir 


Chiang Mai University, known locally as CMU is surprisingly large, it is very easy to get lost in the windy little paths around the campus. This option is great for those that are working during the day and don't have time to go to places further out. I could definitely make a habit of going here in the late evening or early morning. Everyone seems extremely friendly and there is quite a mix of people around walking this track when I went at about 5pm on a Friday evening. 


How to get there?


The entrance on the Nimman side is located on the same road as if you were going up Doi Suthep on the left-hand side. Click on the image below to open in Google Maps. The water area on the map below is the reservoir where you can walk and run! 



The entrance is shown in the photo below you can walk in , perhaps better to enter on the right side if possible as around evening time this place gets very busy and it may be difficult to get across. 


Chiang Mai University Entrance


Continue straight past the royal portrait for approximately 200 meters until you are able to see a right turn. 



Below are some photos of the reservoir and the track around it, it really is beautiful here and there are also lots of nice seating areas as shown below. It might be a good place to take a book and chill out for a few hours! Although I guess it could get pretty hot during the day. 








To be honest, after this point I sort of got lost and wandered around for about 30 minutes until I found some students doing archery which I watched for a while before using Google maps to get myself back out! 


Highly recommended for those that are looking for a place to run or walk in Chiang Mai without doing a full treck out in to the countryside or mountains. I think this would also be a nice place to take your dog for a walk if you have one!




Monk's Trial / Doi Suthep


This trial is really worth visiting, I went on a Sunday morning and arrived at about 8.30 am. One important thing I would advise if you are going to take either of these routes, is to prepare for your footwear to get pretty dirty indeed. I also wouldn't advise taking this trek after dark, for the Monk trial up to Wat Pla Lat, I would advise arriving there no later than say 17.30 in order to ensure you won't be going up and down the path in the dark! 


Also it is important to note that there are multiple signs on the path requesting visitors to "dress modestly" to respect the fact that you will be entering temple grounds. I am not sure exactly what the definition of modest would be here, but I guess it means no tank tops or very short shorts/skirts. 


How to get there?


I got a Grab taxi from my building to the Base Camp Coffee Shop, I didn't stop in for a coffee as I had already had 3 to work up the courage to take this hike, but I will be sure to stop in next time! You can click on the map below to open the location in Google Maps. 


Walking up Doi Suthep Entrance



If you get stuck trying to find the entrance to the trial, you can simply type in Wat Pha Lat Hike to Google maps, I decided to go straight ahead on the road below (shown from the opposite angle to entrance) and continued along the path for about 5 minutes. 



Then you will find the entrance to the park, after which take the next right going around the barrier and continuing straight. 




Last of the turns, prior to getting on the straight road to the entrance to the trial, I made a cut through this little gate and on to the main road.






After about 10 minutes walking I arrived at the gate shown below. I guess this would be the best place to park your motorcycle or bicycle if you are bringing one. I also saw some cars parked at this entrance. 




Once through the entrance shown above, we have reached the trial proper and it is basically a straight path all the way up to the temple. If it is or has been raining recently it might be advisable to watch your step going up this path as there are lots of rocks and it could get slippery very easily. 





After less than 15 minutes on the trial I am panting and drenched in sweat, so much so that two Thai grandmas walking past, without a bead of sweat on them,  gave me words of encouragement Su Su as they were walking past!  Hmmm need to get fit I think to myself before continuing onwards. 


As shown in the photo below, there are coloured clothes on the side of the path both green and orange. These are in fact monks' robes and hence the name The Monk Trial.



There is a lot of beautiful scenery on this path, I think the next time I go up I will go much slower and take it all in a bit more.




Once you arrive at the bridge shown below you are entering Wat Pla Lat temple grounds, as mentioned previously there is a sign here requesting modest dress! 






It really is beautiful here, there are all sorts of statues and buildings that look as if there were out of some movie! There are also plenty of places to take a seat and relax. 








OK once we are at this point in the journey we have 3 options:


- Go back down the same way we came. 


- Continue onwards to the Doi Suthep hiking trail. 


- Get a Song Taew (red truck) up to Doi Suthep 



I decided to give the hike up Doi Suthep a try since I was feeling up for the challenge, and as I would soon find out I was not disappointed! Follow the path on the way out of Wat Pla Lat and you will reach a tarmac road, continue along it until you see the nice looking building with the Buddhist statues outside as shown below. 






When you get out on the road, turn right and walk along the road, being mindful of the fact that there are vehicles moving incredibly fast coming from both directions! Continue along this road for about 5 minutes. 



In between the two yellow signs shown below is the entrance to the Doi Suthep hiking path. 



Immediately upon entering the hiking entrance I realised that this wasn't going to be as pleasant a walk as the one up to Wat Pla Lat. In truth it felt more like a climbing exercise in parts than a hike! Although very much worth it. In fact it isn't really that long to get up to the top, I had read on other blogs and also on Google maps that it is about 2.5 hours, however, it took me about 1 hour going pretty slow and also stopping for breaks a few times along the way. 



The paths here are really steep indeed, I seriously wouldn't want to be walking up here in the rain, it would be a recipe for disaster! 






And after about an hour I arrived back at the main road and continued up the hill towards Doi Suthep temple. By now I am absolutely shattered and my feet are killing me! 



The little coffee shop immediately on the left is my go to place any time I am up at Doi Suthep, the owners/staff are very pleasant, the coffee is good and they also have amazing sticky rice and mango!



As a reminder of how cheap Thailand is I got a coffee and sticky rice & mango dessert at the coffee shop for a total of 105 THB! So cheap and not to mention the beautiful location. I highly recommend giving sticky rice and mango a try for those that haven't tried it, really nice and refreshing, especially if you have just hiked all the way up the mountain! 




 I had planned on going up the temple, but after a few slips and the fact that my shoes looked like they were ready for the bin, made me reconsider. I have already been up the mountain top and in to the temple before, but if you are planning on actually going in to the temple, maybe you should find somewhere to wash off a bit if you are very dirty. Thais have a different attitude to feet things in general never mind dirty ones in their religious buildings! There are toilets around that you could wash off in though not to worry! 



Thouroughly drained by this point and the idea of walking back down seeming too horrible to even contemplate I decided on getting a Song Taew which the driver said is making a stop at Maya Mall. I think I seen that they have stops around Tha Pae Gate also if that is closer. Song Taew fee was 80 Baht back down to Chiang Mai to get a shower! 



Highly recommend this trip to anyone that is in Chiang Mai, it really is a great way to spend the morning. 




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